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Get started

ADCI-BGQ is a plug-in in the ADCI software, enabling you to take advantage of the IBM Blue Gene/Q (BGQ) supercomputer located in Toronto, Canada to significantly expedite processing samples and estimating radiation doses.

Install JRE

To use ADCI-BGQ, one prerequisite is that a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is installed on your computer. To install a JRE, perform the following steps:

  1. If you are using 64-bit Windows, download jre-8u192-windows-x64.exe. If you are using 32-bit Windows, download jre-8u192-windows-i586.exe.
  2. Double click the downloaded file, and follow the prompts to finish the installation process.

Get access to the BGQ server

To use ADCI-BGQ, one prerequisite is that you have an account on the BGQ server, which authorizes you to use the storage space and run jobs. Your account consists of a user name and a password for logging in. After logging in, you will have two top-level directories (‘home’ and ‘scratch’). The ‘home’ directory has a smaller storage capacity and is backed up regularly; the ‘scratch’ directory is larger but not backed up. For more knowledge about the BGQ file system, visit To obtain an account, please contact Dr. Peter Rogan (Email:, Tel: 1-(519) 661-4255).

main/bgqgetstarted.1540835376.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/29 17:49 by rlu45