===== ADCI-BGQ (in progress) ===== [[bgq:getstarted | Get started]]\\ [[bgq:workflow | Overall workflow]]\\ [[bgq:maingui | Main GUI]]\\ [[bgq:createasampleforaperson | Create a sample for a person]]\\ [[bgq:createasampleset | Create a sample set]]\\ [[bgq:createascenario | Create a scenario]]\\ [[bgq:editdescriptions | Edit descriptions of a scenario, sample sets and samples]]\\ [[bgq:processasampleset | Process a sample set]]\\ [[bgq:displaysamplelocationsanddosesofasampleset | Display sample locations and doses of a scenario on a map]]\\ [[bgq:performkrigingonasampleset | Perform Kriging on a scenario]]\\ [[bgq:comparekriging | Compare a Kriging result with a previous one]]\\ [[bgq:densifyakrigingresultofasampleset | Densify a Kriging result]]\\