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Calibration curve report

A calibration curve report is a report containing information related to one or more calibration curves.


A curve report contains the following content:

  1. Single plot containing all selected calibration curves. A plot legend is located below the plot.
  2. A description of each calibration curve containing text and tabular data


To open the calibration curve report generation dialog, click “Report” in the menu bar at the top of the software window and select “Generate curve report”.

  • Specify a name for the report
    A name for this report. A report directory containing images and an report.html file will be created automatically using this name.
  • Select curves
    Include curves in the report by placing a checkmark beside appropriate curves in the “Select curves to be included in the report” list. Selection of one or more curves is required.
  • Click “OK” to begin report generation
    The report will open automatically in several seconds. It is also automatically saved as an HTML file located in the “Report Folder”/“Report Name” directory specified during report generation. Open the file “Report.html” to view the report. For more information about the location of saved reports consult the reports page.